In support of changes to Electronic Remittances a new Debtor Prepayment Allocation screen has been created within Debtor Payment Allocation. When configured (by Remittance Prepayment Sender) this will allow the Electronic Remittance System to accept more than one Debtor account per Electronic Remittance and therefore enabling a single Prepayment record for multiple Invoices across multiple Debtors to be created. Users should also note that the newly created Customer Summary report now becomes a valuable tool in creating the one Cash Receipt Entry for the Total value of the listed transactions across multiple Debtors. Please see below as we step through this new process.
Debtor Prepayment Allocation screen
When a user goes into Debtor Payment Allocation, if there are any Debtor Prepayments ready to load, the new ‘Debtor Prepayment Allocation’ screen will load first. The Reference/s from the Debtor Prepayment/s will be used to find the Invoice/s, and thus the Customer/s. If the Invoice is found, and the Balance of that Invoice matches the Amount from the Debtor Prepayment, then that line will be ticked upon loading.
Total Fields
- Total Matched – this field shows the Total value of records where the Invoice was found, the Balance value equals the Amount field, and the record is ticked
- Total Deselected – this field shows the Total value of records where the Invoice was found, the Balance value equals the Amount field, and the record is unticked. In this example, Invoice 283146 was manually unselected.
- Total Unmatched – this field shows the Total value of records where the Invoice was not found. In this example, Invoice 283347 is unmatched as it has not been printed.
- Total Mismatched – this field shows the Total value of records where the Invoice was found, and Balance value does not equal the Amount field. In this example, Invoice 283348 value has a Balance value of $55 but the Amount value of Payment on the Remittance is $66 causing a Mismatch.
Unmatched Summary Button
The Unmatched Summary button will display details on the records that are unticked. This button will only be available if there is at least one record which is unticked. There is also a report available using the ‘Print’ button.
Customer Summary Button
The Customer Summary button will display the details of the ticked records, grouped by Customer. There is also a report available by using the Print button. Users should note that this report now becomes a valuable tool in creating the one Cash Receipt Entry for the Total value of the listed transactions across multiple Debtors.
Process Button
On selecting Process, the System will apply the following:
- Users will be warned if they have not viewed the ‘Unmatched Summary’ screen when unticked Records are listed. This button resets if a record is ticked / unticked.
- Users will be warned if they have not viewed the ‘Customer Summary’ screen.This button resets if a record is ticked / unticked.
- System Locks are created for all Customers records involved (this is the same Lock created when ‘Auto’ or ‘Alloc’ is pressed)
- For each Customer, each ticked Invoice will be fully allocated, and a Prepayment will be created with the Total for that Customer.
- Once complete the System locks will be removed
Skip Button
Users can select ‘Skip’ to process the Debtor Prepayment at a later date. The system will not save any changes to this screen if Skip is selected. I.e. manually applied ticked/unticked.
Whilst Debtor Prepayments will be automatically deleted after processing, there may be a rare scenario where an existing Debtor Prepayment will not be processed, in this case the Debtor Prepayment can be manually deleted by accessing the File Menu Options function and selecting ‘Remove Electronic Remittance’.
In line with this new functionality, the Alloc process will now also look to automatically match a Receipt record with a Single Prepayment record, allocating them automatically.