Pricing Module Maintenance > Updated system processes

In support of the new ‘Product Range’ fields within Pricing Module, system processes for the following screens have been updated  Customer Maintenance Pricing and Disc > Pricing Rules Product Maintenance Continue ReadingPricing Module Maintenance > Updated system processes

Maintenance Forms (Product / Customer / Supplier / Employee) > Hide Notes

Users will now find that when using the HN tickbox (Hide Notes) on all Maintenance Forms (Product / Customer / Supplier / Employee), the system will remember the selection set Continue ReadingMaintenance Forms (Product / Customer / Supplier / Employee) > Hide Notes

Default Maintenance Configuration > Customer Maintenance Defaults

Three new Default fields have been created within this configuration: Invoice Configurable Column 1 Invoice Configurable Column 2 Invoice Configurable Column 3 These fields are used within Customer Maintenance > Continue ReadingDefault Maintenance Configuration > Customer Maintenance Defaults