Stock Allocation Limit Days
Free Stock can now be kept available and not allocated to any back/forward orders for a certain number of days in advance. This will assist in instances where a product’s stock Continue ReadingStock Allocation Limit Days
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
Free Stock can now be kept available and not allocated to any back/forward orders for a certain number of days in advance. This will assist in instances where a product’s stock Continue ReadingStock Allocation Limit Days
A change has been made which will facilitate the prioritisation of Back Orders (over unprinted Pick Slips) during the existing Stock Allocation and Back Order Allocation processes. The system will Continue ReadingBack Order Priority on Stock Allocations (ACR Only)
When loading a Back Order into the invoicing system via ;B, and the ‘view’ button is pressed, there is now a new column called ‘Qty Inc’. This becomes available when Continue ReadingBack Order View