Stock Allocation Limit Days

Free Stock can now be kept available and not allocated to any back/forward orders for a certain number of days in advance. This will assist in instances where a product’s stock should not be allocated to Back Orders until some time in the future, which is closer to the date of the back order.

Product Maintenance> Status Flags will now contain a ‘Stock Allocation Limit Days’ field. This is where Users can key in a positive number equating to a number of days. When Stock Allocations/Back Order Allocations are run the system will utilise this field by not allocating for Products on Backorder where:

  •  The Back Order Date is in advance of the Current Debtors Date PLUS the Stock Allocation Limit Days.
  • In conjunction with the first point if the Order is a Forward Order and the Customer is NOT set to ignore Forward Dates.

The ‘Stock Allocation Limit Days’ field will also be available in Export/Import Utility and Report Generator.