ACR Backups 101
The safety of your business data is paramount. That is why your ACR server will run regular backup jobs, so that you can focus on the important things without worrying Continue ReadingACR Backups 101
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
The safety of your business data is paramount. That is why your ACR server will run regular backup jobs, so that you can focus on the important things without worrying Continue ReadingACR Backups 101
Backups are a crucial part of your system that is often overlooked until they are needed to recover from a major incident. Be it a fire destroying your premises, a Continue ReadingThe importance of “offsite backups” including Cloud, USB Hard Drives and TAPE backups
System Backups are your safety net in the event something happens to your data. It is important to understand and implement an adequate backup routine. Data Loss and corruption can Continue ReadingIs your Business at Risk? Effective Backup Plans