Customer Order / Supplier Invoice Maintenance

Within the below listed menus, when searching within current and/or future months (not a previous month) the system will now also include records with a Status of ‘Failed’. Users will Continue ReadingCustomer Order / Supplier Invoice Maintenance

Debtor Terms Maintenance > Prepayments

In support of new Invoicing System functionality, within Debtor Terms Maintenance, a new Type has been created called ‘Prepayment’. Within Invoicing, if configured, this allows the User to select the Continue ReadingDebtor Terms Maintenance > Prepayments

Unprinted Invoice Detail Export & Unprinted Mail Order Detail Export

Within the Invoice / Mail Order Systems, the Unprinted Detail Export Reports have been updated with 2 new qualifiers called: Show Only Short Supplied > By default this option will Continue ReadingUnprinted Invoice Detail Export & Unprinted Mail Order Detail Export