Payment Gateway – New Invoice / Mail Order Configuration

A new button has been added to Invoice Configuration called Payment Gateway. This button is only available for users who are part of the Administrators user security group.

payment gateway button

Selecting this button will open the “Invoice System Parameters Cont.” Screen. This is where the configurations for using Payment Gateways are stored.

invoice config payment gateway


The configurations that need to be set are:

  • Payment Gateway Active – Set which Payment Gateway service to use. Currently only eWay is available.
  • Payment Gateway Terms – Set which Debtors Terms Code will use the Payment Gateway.
  • Site ID – This is the eWay Customer ID.
  • Username – The configured Username for the eWay service.
  • Password – The configured Password for the eWay service.
  • Store Card Details – This setting will determine if card details will be available for repeated use or not. Full card details are only stored by the Payment Gateway; ACR does not store the full credit card details. The options available for this are:
    • Not available – Card details need to be entered every time a sale is conducted.
    • Available – Default to False – Save Details tick box defaults to being unselected.
    • Available – Default to True – Save Details tick box defaults to being selected.