Consignment Maintenance – Order Details ****IMPORTERS ONLY****

There has been a new button added to Consignment Maintenance, called Order Details.  After an order has been assigned to a Consignment, users can retrieve the consignment record in Consignment Maintenance, and then click on the Order Details button.  A Consignment Order Details screen will then appear, displaying the details of the Order/s assigned to that consignment.

Note: Total Weight and Total Buy Unit Cubic Volume have been moved from the Consignment Maintenance Main Screen to the Consignment Order Details screen.

Consignment Order Details View Screen

Each order assigned to that consignment will show on screen.  Details about that order will be displayed.

The Total Lines column displays the number of lines from that order that are assigned to the consignment, followed by the total number of lines on that order.

For example, if an order had 20 product lines, and 10 of those lines on the order were assigned to the consignment, then it would display 10/20.

Double clicking an order in this screen will display the order for the user to view.