Overseas Order Entry by Supplier ***Importers Only***

A change has been made to Overseas Order Entry By Supplier when ordering Miscellaneous Items.  The Product Description can now be edited if the product is flagged as a “Miscellaneous Continue ReadingOverseas Order Entry by Supplier ***Importers Only***

Overseas Order Entry by Product ***Importers Only***

A change has been made to Overseas Order Entry By Product when ordering Miscellaneous Items.  The Product Description can now be edited if the product is flagged as a “Miscellaneous Continue ReadingOverseas Order Entry by Product ***Importers Only***

New Addition – ;PULL Function

The ability to be able to “pull” products and quantities from one source into another has been added to ACR.  This change applies to the following front ends: * Invoicing * Mail Continue ReadingNew Addition – ;PULL Function

Consignment Maintenance – Order Details ****IMPORTERS ONLY****

There has been a new button added to Consignment Maintenance, called Order Details.  After an order has been assigned to a Consignment, users can retrieve the consignment record in Consignment Continue ReadingConsignment Maintenance – Order Details ****IMPORTERS ONLY****

Consignment Maintenance – Consignment Number Auto Generation ****IMPORTERS ONLY****

There has been a change made to Consignment Maintenance.  Users can now use “-1” to auto generate a Consignment Number.  The default number range for Auto Generated Consignment Numbers is Continue ReadingConsignment Maintenance – Consignment Number Auto Generation ****IMPORTERS ONLY****