FOB Maintenance > Search field Option
Users can now search via Supplier or Product within FOB Maintenance by selecting the appropriate button above the search bar.
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
Users can now search via Supplier or Product within FOB Maintenance by selecting the appropriate button above the search bar.
There has been a slight change to Overseas Stock Receipt By Order. Due to Overseas Orders being exempt from GST, ACR will now treat these Stock Receipts as if every Continue ReadingOverseas Stock Receipt By Order
There has been a new button added to Consignment Maintenance, called Order Details. After an order has been assigned to a Consignment, users can retrieve the consignment record in Consignment Continue ReadingConsignment Maintenance – Order Details ****IMPORTERS ONLY****
There has been a change made to Consignment Maintenance. Users can now use “-1” to auto generate a Consignment Number. The default number range for Auto Generated Consignment Numbers is Continue ReadingConsignment Maintenance – Consignment Number Auto Generation ****IMPORTERS ONLY****
There has been an Inactive Flag added to FOB Maintenance. This works in the same way as all other Inactive Flags.
The Bills Payment Allocation screen has been changed slightly. The changes are as follows: The qualifier screen that appears after pressing Auto OR Alloc now only contains the date qualifier. Continue ReadingPayment Allocation – Bills Payable ****IMPORTERS ONLY****