2016 Quarter 1 Development

The Software Focus Panels have approved and scheduled the following items for development in Quarter 1, 2016. To submit a development request for the next meeting, please email dev@acr.com.au and outline your request.

Module Description
Stock Receipts Modify Manual Stock Receipts to dynamically change with screen size
Change Manual Stock Receipts to utilise a Release 2 grid layout. The grid will resize when the user changes the size of the window, such as making it full screen or expanding it. This will provide the ability to see as many lines of information as will fit into the current size of the window.
Stock Receipts Modify Stock Receipts By Order to dynamically change with screen size
Change Stock Receipts By Order to utilise a Release 2 grid layout. The grid will resize when the user changes the size of the window, such as making it full screen or expanding it. This will provide the ability to see as many lines of information as will fit into the current size of the window.
Stock Receipts Manual Stock Receipts – increase product data fields at bottom of screen
Manual Stock Receipts currently shows 4 columns of data at the bottom of the screen for the current product. The 3rd column contains only read only values and will be made configurable for a site, beyond this a range of fields, including those already visible will be available to choose from. An example of a new field, which could then be displayed is Price Margins.
Stock Control Product Succession Utility
Create a utility to enable Product Succession. This will create a new physical product with an old product’s details (including it’s Product ID) and SOH etc, and convert the existing product to contain the details and Product ID of the new replacement product, therefor keeping the old product’s history attached to the new replacement product throughout the system.
Stock Control Standard Costs Option
The system currently has the options of Replacement Costs and Average Costs. This request is to add a new option which is called Standard Costs. Under Replacement Costs, when an item is being receipted, the option exists to select Leave Cost for the line, which will do just that in that it will receipt the line and leave the cost on the product unchanged. Standard Costs will operate exactly the same as Replacement Costs, the only difference being that the Leave Cost option will become the Default rather than the Exception. This will facilitate any site where they elect to have their product costs updated from a continuous Head Office data feed.
Price Book Price Book Maintenance Additional qualifiers for Product Update
The following qualifiers will be added into price book maintenance when performing a product update: Manufacturer, Division, Department, Sub group and Location
Price List / Buying Template Add sequence, delete and print functions to Customer Product List
New functionality added will allow for the better management of Customer Product Lists, especially in the situation where there are thousands of products are involved.
Next Price Manipulator Next Price Manipulator: Add a Reference field and enable qualification on it
A new Reference field will be available for qualification as well as the existing Date field.
Specials System Specials System Report – Compare previous sales on last 12 specials
A new report will be added that will look at all the products on a given special and identify their sales history on the previous 12 specials that were active in the system.
Report Generator Pass Variables into Functions
Modify Report Generator to enable Variables to be used in Formulas, and enable a mechanism for variables to have a value supplied for them at the time of running a report.
Report Generator New qualify options of “Starts With”, “Ends With”, “Contains”
Qualify list options will be expanded to provide for more flexible search with the inclusion of new options of Starts With, Ends With, and Contains options.
Ordering System Order Maintenance – add Next Month and Previous Month buttons
When viewing orders for a supplier in a particular month, buttons will be included to allow you to quickly jump to the previous or next month without having to re-enter your search.
Ordering System Hide comment on order for supplier copy only
Where a comment is placed on an order which you may not want a supplier to see, for example comments regarding customer contact details, the ability to exclude these from the supplier copy will be developed.
Electronic Orders Electronic Order Invalid Item Management
For electronic orders that arrive and include invalid items, modifications will be made to retain and manage the complete product list including invalid items.
Electronic Orders Attach and store Specials Identifier information to user priced electronic orders
For electronic orders that come in with an attached specials identifier, this will be stored in the resulting invoice created in the system and flow through to Stock Movements and become accessible through the Report Generator.
Warehouse Drivers Run Sheet – Output to disk to show all zones
An output to disk option will be added for the Drivers Run Sheet, this option will not include the “Total” or “Other” columns but will include all zones individually.
Invoicing System Record all status changes in “Invoice Log”
Modify to create an entry for all changes in status for an invoice in the “Invoice Log”.
Invoicing System Make ‘Reversed Invoice’ comment visible on Picking Slip as well as Invoice
When an invoice is reversed and a picking slip is created, any top comments are not shown on the Picking Slip. This change will ensure that the picking slip includes them.
Campaign Management Campaign Management Sorting via sequence and page number in a Special
New optonal fields will be included that can be imported for a Special, which will identify the page number and sequence of a product in the configured special. If this special is later pulled into Campaign Management, the products will be stored and sorted according to their page number and sequence.
Overseas Ordering Order Price Multiples
Enable option to use an FOB price specified as Amount per Quantity.
Repair System Repair System Config to Check For Large Quantity
The repairs system will be modified to include a configuration similar to other areas of the system, which check for operator or key-in errors to prevent the entry of large quantities.
Point of Sale Enable “H/O Copy” and “Delivery Copy” options for Short Term Debtors
This will allow a retail site to more easily and efficiently print a POS invoice and have a copy emailed to a short-term debtor customer.
Point of Sale New Configuration Option to make a Point-of-Sale Register either Cashless or Cash Only
The ability to configure a point-of-sale register as only accepting sales as either cashless or cash only will be developed within the retail environment.
Register Audit Report Add “Stock Area” to Register Audit Report Qualifiers
The register audit report will be modified to provide qualification by stock area, and by default all will be shown. This will benefit multi-site operators who identify different sites via stock areas.