2016 Quarter 2 Development

The Software Focus Panels have approved and scheduled the following items for development in Quarter 2, 2016. To submit a development request for the next meeting, please email dev@acr.com.au and outline your request.

Module Description
Product, Customer, Supplier Maintenance Enable Searching Capabilities for Inactive Items
A tickbox will be added to Product, Customer and Supplier Maintenance keyins which will allow the operator to use all the standard search mechanisms but for Inactive items rather than normal items.
Stock Control Order Summary button – Order By Min/Max and Order By History
Within Auto Ordering by Min/Max and Auto Ordering by History a new tick box will be installed that will optionally specify to create an Order Summary screen prior to the creation of the orders. This summary screen will show each Supplier, the value of the Supplier’s orders and the Minimum Order Value for the supplier. On each line in the Order Summary screen a tick box will allow the applicable supplier’s order to be selected or deselected, so that orders can then be created from that screen.
Specials System Modify Customer Price and Promo Groups selection screens
Within the Specials System, when selecting price and/or promo groups to include (or exclude) in the special, the selection screen will be modified to explicitly define the groups to include. Ie. The left side of the screen will contain all the groups that the special will apply to, and the right side of the screen will contain the groups that the special won’t apply to. Buttons will enable any group to be moved from left to right or vice-versa, as well as buttons to Move All to left side or Remove All from left side.
Specials System Store defaults for Importing From File for each port
The specials system will be modified so that when importing a special from a file, the system will remember the last used defaults by port.
Specials System Specify start and end time
The specials system will be modified so that the time a special should start and finish can be set, in addition to specifying the date that it should start and finish.
Warehousing Total cubic on Pickslip
Picking slips will be modified to display the Total Cubic Volume next to the Total Weight.
Warehousing Transfer Maintenance – New Sort Key field
A Transfer Destination Sort Key will now be added and made available when maintaining transfers.
Warehousing Summary Label option in Despatch System
A configuration option will be created that will enable a Summary Label to be printed with the carton labels for each invoice being despatched. A summary label will essentially be the same format as a Carton label, except that it won’t contain the carton number information, and it will be able to be re-printed as many times as desired.
Report Generator Ability to Edit a Report Generator Function
Currently a Function cannot be modified once it has been created in a Report Generator report. This change will provide the ability for a user to modify a function after creation.
Reports Stock Movement Value Report – Output to Disk option
An output to disk option will be added to the Stock Movement Value Report
Report Generator Customer “Mail To” details in Report Generator
Report Generator will have new fields for Customer Mail To. This would be filled with the details from the Postal Address, or if there are none then the details from the Delivery Address will be used.
GL Detail Enquiry View Future Month Transactions in General Ledger Detail Enquiry
General Ledger Detail Enquiry will be modified to have a new tick box which when ticked will allow the operator to also see all transactions from future months, provided they are in the current financial year.
Invoicing System Turn-in Order Entry Function
Within the Invoicing System a new menu item will provide operators the ability to enter in a Turn-In Order to the system. Configurable options already exist within the system to handle the processing and disposition of Turn-In Orders.
Invoicing System Locate product in list of products with semi-colon command
A new semi colon command will be added in Invoice Entry which will assist the operator in locating a specific product that already exists within the invoice.
Invoicing System Include P.O.D link in Invoice Statistics
Despatch Detail within Invoice Statistics will be modified to include the web link to the Proof Of Delivery for the selected invoice where a PD exists.
Invoicing System and Point of Sale Enter Prices as either Inc or Exc in Invoicing and Pos
Within Invoicing and Point of Sale, the ability will be provided to key in a price preceded by an ‘I’ or ‘E’. The entered price will then display in the format for which your system is configured.
Point of Sale Modify Point of Sale to dynamically change with screen size
Change Point of Sale to utilise a Release 2 grid layout. The grid will resize when the user changes the size of the window, such as making it full screen or expanding it. This will provide the ability to see as many lines of information as will fit into the current size of the window.
Loyalty System Integration of Mitre 10 “Mighty Rewards” Loyalty program
Interfacing to the Mitre 10 Mighty Rewards loyalty program will be integrated into the Shoptalk POS.
Loyalty System Multiple Internal Loyalty System Card Prefixes
There is currently a configuration that specifies a fixed length prefix (for recognition when scanned) of Internal Loyalty Card numbers, and that configuration will now be modified to work with a shorter variable length prefix, thus providing access to a greater range of card numbers.
Electronic Orders Manufacturer SKU for ordering to be made available in SalesTALK database.
The SalesTALK data output will be modified to include the Manufacturer SKU for products.
Electronic Orders Show complete order line in notification of failed electronic order
When raising an email to advise of a failed electronic order, the email will list the entire order line for any failed line from the electronic order, rather than just the barcode.
Electronic Orders Multiple Customer Identifiers in B2B to match against incoming orders
This request will allow a site to receive electronic orders from multiple sources, such as a sales rep and a customer, where the customer identifiers may differ between each source.
Manufacturing System Re-Cost Bill of Materials – Warning Message
Prompt the operator and advise that no products have been selected, so all finished products will have their costs updated.
Manufacturing System Add Non-Operable Tickbox to ‘Bill of Materials Maintenance’
Add a Non-Operable tick box to ‘Bill of Materials Maintenance’, which will allow an operator to inactivate a Bill without having to delete it.
Register Audit Report Sort the POS Till Summary in “As Processed” order
Print the POS Till Summary in the order that entries were processed.
Reports Keep Report Open – Debtors Aged Trial balance and Promo Report
After running the either of these two reports, rather than the the screens closing off automatically, they will go back to the qualifier screens so that another variant can be more easily run.