Within the ACR system a Customer can be set to receive a specific Price Code on purchases via ‘Pricing and Disc’ in Customer Maintenance. The option, ‘Default Price’, if selected, will use the Base price as configured for your sales system. Alternatively, you may enter a specific price, for example, Price 6.
Once set, the system will give the customer price 6 for all their purchases, assuming there are no pricing modules or specials involved.
When getting a price for that customer, if a product has no Price 6, then the system will drop down to Price 5 to get a price. Should Price 5 be set, the customer will receive that, otherwise the system will drop down to Price 4. This cycle continues until a price is found or until the sales system’s Base price has been reached and checked.
Understanding the process described above can be of assistance determining why a customer received a price code different to their configuration