Reporting Server Errors

It’s all too often we encounter hardware failures that could have been prevented. Your servers have visual indicators to tell you when something is not right or is potentially about to fail.

We recommend checking your server indicator lights daily for errors and issues. These indicator lights are on the front of your server and are green when they are happy. If the lights turn red or amber then there is usually an issue which should be addressed urgently.

Look now

When was the last time you looked? If you have a spare minute, go and have a look at the server right now!

If you notice any changes or errors, call or email ACR technical support with a description of what you can see. If possible, attach a photo of the issue (using your phone or camera) and email it to us so we can determine easily what type of error it is related to.

By reporting errors as early as possible we can try to avoid any serious data loss and downtime can be avoided or minimised. Because some issues may require replacement parts the resolution time could be extended until parts are available or arrive onsite.

What we need you to do

As soon as you notice an issue call or email us.

ACR Support: 02 4725 2020

Tech Support Email:

Having as much information as possible when you contact us will help speed up the process of identifying what the fault is and the action required.

  • Server Make: (eg. IBM or HP)

  • Server Model: (eg. x3450 M4)

  • Where the error light is located: (eg. Top right on front of server)

  • If the light has a picture/icon, what is it? (eg. Hard disk symbol, fan symbol)

  • If known, when did the error light first appear?

  • If possible, send a photo

This basic information should be enough to help start the diagnosis.