Banking System Maintenance – New Field Added

Banking System Maintenance

A new field has been added to the Banking System Maintenance screen.

This is used for sites using more than one Front End (i.e utilising both the Point of Sale and Invoicing Front ends).  If this field is defined, it determines what customers are accessible when processing Cash Receipts or Cash Payments for a particular Bank Account.

  1. Business Units are based on what Customer Class a Customer is set to.
  2. Business Unit Maintenance is what links the Customer Class to the Business Unit.
  3. Depending on what Business Unit is selected in Banking System Maintenance for the Bank Account, this determines which customers are available when processing Payments or Receipts for that Bank Account.

Note: Users can be set to certain Business Units also.  If you have users that only deal with a certain Front End, defining the Business Unit in the User file will also restrict that user to only those customers.