2020 Quarter 1 Development

The Software Focus Panels have approved and scheduled the following items for development in Quarter 1, 2020. To submit a development request for the next meeting, please email dev@acr.com.au and outline your request.

Module Description
System Log history of changes to specific fields in Customer Maintenance
Within Customer Maintenance a log history for changes to Salesperson (and other appropriate fields) will be added, similar to the Price Change Log in Product Maintenance
Sales Add gross profit statistics into Customer Maintenence
Within the Sales Stats screen in Customer Maintenance, new fields will be added for indicating the gross profit for that customer, in both dollars and percentage terms.
Sales Sales Front Ends – suppress below cost warning
Within the Sales Front End, if the Price remains unchanged from default price, and is below cost, then do not show the below cost warning message
Sales New Customer B2B advice of ‘On Confirmed’
The system will be modified to create a new Customer B2B advice option of ‘on Confirmed’. When an invoice is confirmed in the system for a customer that has this configuration set, the appropriate B2B advice will be sent.
Sales Add ‘Pricing Module’ into the Export / Import Utility
The existing Export / Import utility will be expanded to include the ‘Pricing Module’, to have the same exporting / importing / logging functionality that is currently available for Customers, Suppliers and Products.
Sales Show Customer ‘Price Code’ and a price rule ‘End Date’ when displaying Price Rules in Customer Maintenance
On the Customer Maintenance – Customer Pricing Rules screen the price code for the customer will now be displayed in the top right. Additionally, when a source rule type is selected in the top half of the screen, the ‘End Date’ of any relevant pricing entries for that rule will be displayed as an additional column in the bottom half of screen.
Debtors Auto Suspend Customers that are dormant
A new system configuration will be added that when activated will automatically suspend customers that have been dormant / inactive for a period of time. The options to choose from in the configuration will be: None, 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years
Debtors In Cash Receipts Entry include the Customer ‘Charge Status’
Cash Receipts Entry will be modified when entering a receipt for an Account Customer to include detail regarding the ‘Charge Status’ of that customer in the top section of the screen with the other account specific detail.
Debtors Accept account payment to pay now pay now and create a pre-allocation
When performing an Account Sale, a new button will be added that when clicked will allow the operator to accept an account payment on the spot (E.g. by cash or card) and create a pre-allocation record that links the payment to the sale.
Debtors Upload a file of BPAY transactions and record against a debtor
The system will be modified so that a standard BPAY file, which lists various customer account payments that have been made, can be imported into Debtor Payments and recorded against each debtor.
Debtors Add an “Open Item plus CSV” option into Customer Statement Types
The system will be modified to include an “Open Item plus CSV” option into Customer Statement Types. For customers that are set to this statement type, when their debtor statement is generated and emailed to them, it will also include a CSV copy of the statement
Invoicing Store multiple addresses for a customer and make them available within the invoice system
To cater to Customer Accounts that have more than one delivery address, the system will be modified so that within Customer Maintenance multiple delivery addresses can be stored for a customer, with a short description for each. Each of those addresses will be available within the Invoicing System for selection.
Invoicing Log when a picking slip is printed
When a picking slip is printed, the system will be modified to log that event as a conversation in the Invoice Log. This will be similar to how invoice printing and reprinting currently log as a conversation.
Invoicing Enhance the ‘Open Invoice’ screen displayed when creating an invoice
For site’s that are configured to display an alert of ‘Open Invoices’ for a customer, when creating a new invoice, the level of detail shown will be increased. The order number will now, along with buttons to display one of the invoices or modify it.
Invoicing Open Invoices’ alert – include detail on invoices completed today
Currently the ‘Open Invoices’ alert will list any unprinted invoices for the customer in question. This will now be modified to allow to indicate the highest status of invoices to display, which could include invoices that were completed today.
Invoicing Prevent forward invoices where payment terms are zero days
When an Invoice is raised for a customer, if the invoice terms are one of the identified *Zero Days* types, the system will be modified to prevent the operator from creating that as a Forward Invoice.
Invoicing Invoice System – Stop at ‘Order Qty’ when a barcode is entered
Within the Invoice Configuration a new config option will be added, that when turned on will ensure that in the Invoice System the “Order Qty” field is prompted when a barcode is entered, irrespective of the mode the invoice system is in (e.g. Slow, Fast, Scan)
Invoicing When the ;A command is invoked in sales front ends, list the available Stock Areas as a dropdown
Currently the ;A command will prompt the user to key in a stock area, to identify the area they wish to change to. The system will be modified to list all available stock areas as a dropdown list, with the list including the Stock Area descriptions that are set in Stock Area Maintenance.
Electronic Orders Make additional information available when advising operator that an Electronic Order is ready to be processed
The invoicing system will be modified when advising of Electronic Orders. Currently the Customer is shown with the option to Process, Skip or Snooze the order, and after this change more detail about the electronic order will be shown, for example products lines.
Electronic Orders Allow Electronic Orders to complete as Forward Invoices
The system will be modified so that an electronic order with an appropriate flag can generate a forward invoice when processed.
Reporting Option to include Stock Area on Stock Movement Value Report
On the Stock Movement Value Report, a new tickbox option called ‘Overlay stock area’ will be added. When the qualifier is ticked on, then stock area information will be made available in the report. This will be achieved by appending to the product description a dash and the stock area number. E.g. -SA2 for stock area two.
System New tool for moving the system to the next trading date at day end
A new tool will be created, that allows site administrators to control how the system moves to the next trading day when a day end occurs, this will assist when a day end is run prior to public holidays or holiday seasons.
TracknDeliver Delete Drivers from Track n Deliver
On the Track n Deliver Driver Admin Maintenance screen a new function to Delete a driver (if they were never used) will be added. Also, the screen will default to showing only drivers that are active in the Maintenance Form
Sales From Product Enquiry ALTR launch webpages in system’s default Browser
Product Enquiry ALTR will be modified so that when the webpage for the product is launched, rather than it being launched within the systems browser window, it will open within the PC’s default browser.