Invoicing System > Complete an Invoice as a ‘Snoozed’ Order

Within Standard Invoice/Standard Credit/ Forward Invoice entry, Users can Complete the Invoice as a ‘Snoozed’ Order.

Upon pressing Complete the Invoice Completion Screen will load where the new option ‘Complete as Snoozed Order can be selected.


Once ‘OK’ is pressed the Snooze Date/Time calendar will load so the User can select which date/time they want the Order to be actioned.

The Order will remain dormant with a status of ‘Snoozed’ until it reaches the ‘Snoozed’ date/time in which it will present to an Operator.

  Note: This feature will only apply for an Invoice with the below conditions-

  • Creating a new Invoice (not on modification)
  • No back Orders are loaded
  • It is not a loaded Electronic Order
  • It is not a C-Bill Order/Invoice
  • It is not a transfer Invoice