Order Maintenance has a new look. Similar to when Invoice Maintenance was revitalized, Order Maintenance now has a powerful search bar, filtering capabilities and a user-friendly feel. Some of the most exciting features from this update are:
- Sites can configure the fields that will be displayed in the Order Maintenance screen.
- Users have the ability to set their ‘Favourite Filter’ so their search filters will be remembered
- The ability to search across a variety of time periods
New Look and Feel
- Upon loading, the application will automatically adjust to fit to the screen space.
- Shading will be used to group the search results. This is useful so a User can quickly identify when the next line has a difference to the prior line/s.
- Each Port will remember the Sort Order, Filter options 1 & 2, Transaction Type, Status, All dates and Period (The Filter Values can also be remembered optionally with the tick box)
New Global Search and Filtering Capabilities
Searching for Orders has indeed changed as we know it. The new search bar with accompanying drop-down box (if set to ‘All’) can conduct a global search which will search for Orders that have a match to the word entered into the search bar (searching the configured global search fields ). This will allow a broader search pool which is beneficial when limited details are known about the Order you are trying to locate. Note: The Global Search can only be conducted for month by month searching (toggling the prev and next button for a period set to ‘Current’ or ‘This Month’).
See below for a global search example:
Search for ‘MARS’
- You will notice that the results returned in the Global Search for ‘MARS’ found matches within the Reference, Supplier Name and Operator.
- Utilizing the ‘Product’ option in the accompanying drop down next to the search box would then change the search so that only Products with the word ‘MARS’ will be included.
Not only can the drop-down box next to the search bar be changed (Product, Supplier etc…) but one or both of the available filter options can be used in addition for a narrower search.
An Order search for ‘Unprinted’ or ‘Overdue’ Orders can be performed by choosing the desired options in the ‘Status’ drop down. The results for an ‘Overdue’ search will return Orders where the ‘Order ETA’ is prior to today.
A search can now be done on either ‘All Orders’ or ‘All Special Orders’ by selecting the desired option from the ‘Type’ drop down.
A search can be qualified to show Orders within the Port’s default Stock Area by ticking the Stock Area tick box. The number of the Default Stock Area will be displayed.
In addition, rather than being limited to month by month searching, there is now a ‘Period’ drop down box with a range of periods to select from (listed below). Users can also click the ‘Previous Period’ or ‘Next Period’ buttons to toggle between the Period selected.
- Current
- This Month
- This Quarter
- This Half
- This Financial Year
- Last 3 Months
- Last 6 Months
- Last 12 Months
More New Features
- You will notice that Order Conversations can now be easily viewed and entered by clicking the conversation column. A conversation icon will appear in this column indicating that the order has a user created conversation (opposed to any system generated conversations).
- Searching by Order Number will now automatically search ‘All Dates’.
Additional Information: