Report Generator – New Configuration ****RETAILERS ONLY****

Sale Post Code has been added to Report Generator under the Stock Movement table.  Users can create reports with this information to obtain a marketing perspective of where the customers Continue ReadingReport Generator – New Configuration ****RETAILERS ONLY****

Point of Sale – New Configuration ****RETAILERS ONLY****

There has been a new configuration added to Global Configurations called Sale Post Code. The options available are: Skip (default) – Selecting this will still show the Post Code field Continue ReadingPoint of Sale – New Configuration ****RETAILERS ONLY****

mOrders\ SalesTALK (IPAD) Configurations ***WHOLESALERS ONLY***

There have been a number of changes made to the mOrders Configuration screen to allow for configuring iPads to run the ACR SalesTalk application. Please ensure you have the latest Continue ReadingmOrders\ SalesTALK (IPAD) Configurations ***WHOLESALERS ONLY***

Product Maintenance – Image URL ***WHOLESALERS ONLY***

A new field called “Image URL” has been added to the Status Flags screen under Product Maintenance. A primary use of this field is to store the URL for the Continue ReadingProduct Maintenance – Image URL ***WHOLESALERS ONLY***

Customer Maintenance – Default Price Code

There has been a small change made to the Customer Maintenance screen.  The Discount Price Code field specified under the Pricing and Discount button in Customer Maintenance has been changed Continue ReadingCustomer Maintenance – Default Price Code

Supplier File Maintenance – Direct Credit – Confirm Bank Details

A new configuration has been added to Supplier File Maintenance under the ‘Bank Details’ tab called ‘Confirm Bank Details’. This will only be available for selection if the supplier is Continue ReadingSupplier File Maintenance – Direct Credit – Confirm Bank Details