Changing Email Providers
Depending on the requirements of your business, you may find it necessary to migrate your company’s email infrastructure from one provider to another. If you plan to do this, follow Continue ReadingChanging Email Providers
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
Depending on the requirements of your business, you may find it necessary to migrate your company’s email infrastructure from one provider to another. If you plan to do this, follow Continue ReadingChanging Email Providers
Please note. The below changes will become active for Distributor Members once their system has been configured and not immediately upon installation of the update. When creating a C-Bill Order Continue ReadingC-Bill Order Creation – Validation
A change has been made to the Specials System. If the operator attempts to un-tick a product on a special, so it is not longer ‘DNU’, the system will check Continue ReadingSpecials System > Setting Product as ‘DNU’
A change has been made in Product Maintenance to make it easier when setting a Product Inactive in the case where it is on one or more active specials. Previously, Continue ReadingProduct Maintenance > Flagging as Inactive
An employee’s ‘Primary Contact’ details are now visible under User Maintenance > Entitlements. The current name, phone number and mobile number listed within Employee Maintenance will be shown. By doing Continue ReadingUser Maintenance > Entitlements