2018 Quarter 4 Development

The Software Focus Panels have approved and scheduled the following items for development in Quarter 4, 2018. To submit a development request for the next meeting, please email dev@acr.com.au and outline your request.

Module Description
Debtors Debtor Follow Up System – Notes – Add conversations
The Debtor Follow Up System will be modified to include a conversation section, similar to that which exists in Invoice Log already.
Debtors New Customer Field to store a PDF copy of Credit Application
A field will be added into the Customer File which will provide a means to store a copy of a customer’s credit application.
Debtors Statement Message Maintenance – Define Message for All Customers that are overdue
Statement Message Maintenance facilitates defining a statement message that covers the qualifier type of ‘All Customers’. This feature will be enhanced so that a separate message can be set for ‘All Customers’ who also have an overdue amount.
Customer B2B Customer Maintenance – B2B – Advices – Enabled support for multiple email recipients
The Customer B2B Advice fields, such as ‘On Receipt’, ‘On Picking’ allow for a recipient email address to be set for a given Advice Type. The system will be modified so that multiple email addresses can be set for a given advice type.
Sales Sales Front Ends – Extra panel on right-hand side for more detail
Sales Front Ends within the system will be enhanced to include an extra panel on the right-hand side, which will be utilised to show additional data relative to the currently focused, for example product comments, products images.
Sales Quote Maintenance – Find Quotes By a Specified Product
Quote Maintenance will be modified so that the ‘Find’ qualifier has an option to specify a ‘Specified Product’. This will then find quotes that contain the specific Product.
Stock Control Modify Underlying System Architecture To Facilitate Long Product Descriptions
To facilitate future development, the systems back end architecture will be modified so that product descriptions up to 512 characters in length can be stored and the front-end software will have a configuration in place that restricts this to 30 characters. Future development will leverage these changes to increase the 30 character limit in the configuration where it is possible to do so.
Stock Control Create an ‘Order Log’ for supplier orders
The system will be modified to include a new ‘Order Logs’ screen for supplier order, much like the ‘Invoice Log’ available for customer invoices. The ‘Order Logs’ screen will be launched via a button on the ‘Display an Order’ screen and will outline detail regarding the Supplier, Oder statistics and make available conversations for recording interactions with the supplier. In addition to the above when an order is printed, this will be automatically logged as a conversation indicating how and to where it was printed.
Stock Control ‘Export Next Cost/Prices’ & ‘Print Next Price Report’ – Add checkbox qualifier to include secondary suppliers
The qualifier forms for ‘Export Next Cost/Prices’ & ‘Print Next Price Report’ will be modified to add a new qualifier for including secondary suppliers.
Reporting New Report – Deferred Discount Report
A new report will be developed that will report on Deferred Discounts for a month. This report will include a ‘Deferred Column’ for the month, as well as a ‘Discount Allowed’. By including both sets of information, an operator could compare reports from consecutive months to better understand how their discounts are being utilised.