2020 Quarter 2 Development

The Software Focus Panels have approved and scheduled the following items for development in Quarter 2, 2020. To submit a development request for the next meeting, please email dev@acr.com.au and outline your request.

Module Description
System Tag a Customer as belonging to multiple Promo / Price groups
The system will be modified so that a Customer can be tagged as belonging to multiple Promo or Price groups, with the pricing rules to take this into account when determining customer specific pricing.
Sales Stock Enquiry – Add Comment 1 and Comment 2
The Stock Enquiry will be modified so that both a Product’s Comment 1 and Comment 2, which are already accessible within Product Maintenance, will become available on the enquiry screen. These two fields will be added directly below the Product Code and Description.
Sales eDoc Yard Orders – Configurationto show with or without pricing
A new GlobalParameters configuration called ‘Yard Order Priced’ will be added, that will determine whether an eDoc Yard Order prints as price or unpriced.
Sales Point of Sale – Send Invoice details via SMS to Customer’s mobile
The POS system will be modified to provide a new facility, which will allow an operator at the POS to take a Customer’s mobile number when making a sale and send an SMS with details for accessing a copy of the POS Invoice.
Sales Global Parameters – new Autofill Configurations for ‘Cash Sale’ and ‘Yard Order’
In the system configuration for Global Parameters, 2 new configurations to complement the existing ‘Autofill Amount Charged with D to apply Customer Pricing Discount’ options will be added. The 2 new configurations will be for ‘Cash Sale’ and ‘Yard Order’.
Invoicing Invoice Maintenance – Provide visual clue that an invoice has previously been reversed
Invoice Maintenance will be modified so that any Invoices that have previously reversed are denoted with an asterisk after the Invoice number. This will serve as a visual due to the operator to prevent additional unecessary reversals.
Invoicing Customer Maintenance – Deliveries – New configuration to control how often Handling is charged
A new configuration option will be added so that it can be specified how often a specific customer will be charged handling, such as once per day, week, fortnight or month.
Invoicing Invoicing System – Show Carrier’s Pickup and Cutoff times
The invoicing system will be modified so that the Invoice’s Carrier Pickup and Cutoff times are displayed within the top header section of the screen.
Invoicing Invoicing System – Optionally list details of Invoices that have previously used the same Purchase Order
The existing message box that can be displayed to advise that a POnumber has previously been used on another invoice will be modified. A button will be added that allows he user to click on it and list all the invoices with that PO number. The screen that is displayed will be in the same layout and design of the existing ‘Open Order’ screen, however it will simply show the invoices which had that PO number.
Pricing Next Price Manipulator – Update from Price Book – New option ‘Do Not Update Cost on Price Sensitive Product’
The Next Price Manipulator will be modified to give the operator the option to not update the cost of price-sensitive products when updating from the price book.
Pricing Customer Price List – Import from Pricing Module Entry
Within the Customer Price List a new tool will be cerated, which will facilitate the bulk importing or replacing of products into the list based on a Pricing Module Entry that exists for the customer.
Creditor Cash Payment Entry – Show Batch Total
Cash Panyment Entry will be modified to now show the Batch Total, in the same way that this is aready shown within the Cash Receipt Entry screen.
Ordering Ordering Configuration – Product Info Configurable Fields – Add option for GST Rate
The Ordering Configuration’s Product Info Configurable Fields wil be modified so that an additional option of ‘GST Rate’ will be available. This will allow sites who wish to do so, the chance to utilise one of the six configurable fields for showing the GST Rate
Ordering Generate a Supplier Order from a POS Quote or Sale
A new function will be added into the Ordering screens (By Product, By Supplier), which will allow an operator bring in a quote or a sale, and have all order lines that can be included to the in-progress order added to it. This will allow operators to more efficiently raise Special Supplier orders based on a Customers requirements.
Specials Campaign Maintenance – Increase length of Identifier
Campaign Maintenance will be modified to Increase the Identifier for a Campaign from 6 characters to 12 characters.
Despatch Despatch Register – Filter out invoices with a negative dollar value
The Despatch Register will be modified to include a new qualifier option, that when ticked on will ensure that negative dollar invoices are removed from the output.
Payment Gateway Invoicing System – New security configuration to allow a Payment Gateway token to be visible
A new security configuration will be added to the Invoice Configuration. It will specify a User Group, whose members will ave the ability to view the Payment Gateway token that was used when displaying an invoice.
Payroll Payslips – Optionally show Sick Leave
A new site configuration will be addd that provides the ability for Sick Leave to be included on payslips for all employees, at the discretion of the payroll / site manager