eDocs Document types > POD Support
Within the existing range of Invoicing eDocument Types we have now included 2 more eDoc versions that can now support Proof of Delivery images: WI_051 WI_052 MI_051 MI_052
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
Within the existing range of Invoicing eDocument Types we have now included 2 more eDoc versions that can now support Proof of Delivery images: WI_051 WI_052 MI_051 MI_052
Within Invoice Configuration Back Orders, a new setting has been created called ‘Advise Operator’. By default, the setting will be set to ‘No’ upon installation. This setting has three options: Continue ReadingInvoice Configuration > Back Orders
Are you experiencing a slow or unreliable computing experience? Do you want to access your business’s ACR instance with ease and speed? There’s more to it than new, faster computers, Continue ReadingYour ACR Server and Your Local Network
The eDoc Configuration Output menu is a very handy tool when reviewing existing information for Customer and Supplier eDocuments and their output (ie email /fax) settings. It allows sites to Continue ReadingeDoc Configuration Output – The What & Why
WIthin Miscellaneous Configurations, a new option has been created for the Stocktake Configurable Column called ‘Primary Supplier SKU’. This option will now allow the Primary Supplier’s SKU to appear on Continue ReadingStocktake System > Primary Sup SKU
Within the Buying Template menu, the following new options have been created for Configurable Field 1, 2 and 3: Default Stock Area SOH Default Stock Area Free SOH This Default Continue ReadingBuying Template > Configurable Fields
Within the Price List System, the following new qualifiers have been created called: Min Qty Stock Area Minimum Quantity When these Qualifying fields are populated, the system will only produce Continue ReadingPrice List System > New Qualifiers
WIthin Miscellaneous Configurations, a new setting has been created called ‘Remember Hide Notes’. This will default to True upon installation. By having this setting ticked on (True), it will allow Continue ReadingMisc Configuration > Remember ‘Hide Notes’
A new ‘Default Cancellation Reason’ field has been created within Invoice Configuration > Back Orders. When a Back Order is manually cancelled, within Back Order Maintenance, the default reason will Continue ReadingInvoice Configuration Back Orders > Default Cancellation Reason
A ‘Max Dimension’ field has been created within ‘Carrier Maintenance’ whereby a dimension in millimetres can be entered per Carrier. The system will then utilise this value when a Product Continue ReadingInvoicing System > Carrier Max Dimension