Order Maintenance
The following new buttons have been added to the ‘Display Selected’ screen within ‘Order Maintenance’ allowing users to have the option to reprint the Office Copy of an Order: Reprint Continue ReadingOrder Maintenance
ACR News, Tips and Articles.
The following new buttons have been added to the ‘Display Selected’ screen within ‘Order Maintenance’ allowing users to have the option to reprint the Office Copy of an Order: Reprint Continue ReadingOrder Maintenance
It is important to understand the Support Features within SalesTALK for times when the device crashes, has a loss of internet connectivity or when your reps are upgrading to a Continue ReadingSalesTALK Support Features
The Import File selection when using the ;PULL command will now allow you to load a file containing a Barcode. When importing a file with Barcodes, the system will take Continue Reading;PULL Function – Import File
An update has been released for Back Order Maintenance. The following changes have been made to the Back Order Maintenance window: Users are now able to perform a blank search by Continue ReadingBack Order Maintenance
Invoice Configuration – Back Orders An update has been released for the Back Orders button within Invoice configuration. The below options have now been added to the Maintenance Fields. On Continue ReadingInvoice Configuration – Back Orders
Users can now load Back Orders into an empty Invoice screen when the Customer is set to ‘Send Backorders by Separate Invoices by Sales Order’, opposed to previously where the Continue ReadingInvoice Entry
If you are wanting to save time when searching for a product within ACR, there are numerous search methods you can use.Once a search method is used, the results of Continue ReadingHandy Tips for Searching within ACR
Two new options have been added to the Existing Special section of the form ‘Leave as is’ and ‘Mark as DNU’. These options allow the user to select what will Continue ReadingSpecials System-Importing Specials
The Employee File Dump will now include the Primary contact details from the Employee Maintenance>Contacts field.
A new ‘Contacts’ button has been added to the Employee Maintenance screen. This will bring up a form where users can store the next of kin for the Employee. One Continue ReadingEmployee Maintenance