Unprinted Invoice Report ****WHOLESALERS ONLY****

Search for Unprinted Invoice Detail Export or Unprinted Mail Order Detail Export. There has been a facility added to the Invoicing and Mail Order Systems which allows users to output Continue ReadingUnprinted Invoice Report ****WHOLESALERS ONLY****

Zoned Invoices – RF Guns, Despatch and Confirmations Systems

The restriction to enter a Pallet Count for zoned invoices has been removed from RF Guns, Despatch and Confirmation Systems. Users must still enter the mandatory carton count but will Continue ReadingZoned Invoices – RF Guns, Despatch and Confirmations Systems

Customer Maintenance – Default Price Code

There has been a small change made to the Customer Maintenance screen.  The Discount Price Code field specified under the Pricing and Discount button in Customer Maintenance has been changed Continue ReadingCustomer Maintenance – Default Price Code

Maintenance Menus – Search Criteria

When searching for a ‘specified document’ where only 1 document number can exist, the system will automatically default the status to either ‘any type’ or ‘any status’.  Users will still Continue ReadingMaintenance Menus – Search Criteria